Streamline your


effortlessly and elevate your invoicing experience.

Experience the full potential of our platform for seamless automation and efficient cash flow management.

The cashflow management platform

Smarter way to manage all your business cashflow.

Bringing in the automation that was needed the most to manage your business cashflow.


Faster. Smarter.

Businesses have always been in need of a platform that can manage their cashflow in a smarter way. In this age of automation, don't let your business fall behind the times.

Climb faster. Get ahead.

Having handwritten invoices which needs to be recorded? Why to enter data manually when you can upload a photo.

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Instant Invoicing

Create invoices from handwritten invoices in seconds.

Flow smoothly. Stay in sync.

Don't know where all your money is going? Record all your payments digitally. See what paid, due or overdue.

Manage easily. Lead the way.

Pending amounts from customers? Customer management can help you keep track of that.

Share Invoices

Easily share invoices with your customers via WhatsApp or email and receive payments that are instantly updated in your dashboard.

Automated Reminders

Send automatic reminders with customizable templates, that you can send to customers via WhatsApp or email for pending payments.

View Insights

Track your sales weekly, yearly, or daily for a clear picture of your business performance accompanied by viewing invoice status.

Digital Receipts

Deliver digital receipts instantly after invoice approval and payment for a seamless transaction and maintain a good customer relation along the way.

Audit Trail

Access a detailed history of an invoice, from its creation to payment completion, ensuring transparency and accountability.

Multiple Templates

Customize invoices with various templates to streamline and personalize the invoicing process and make the process more efficient.

How will ence be impacting your business?


Customer satisfaction


Less invoicing errors


Better cashflow management